Soundwalks & recordings

Glen Helen Nature Preserve Soundwalks

I lead free / low-cost soundwalks at Glen Helen Nature Preserve in Yellow Springs, Ohio during the summer months. Bring a portable audio recorder and a set of headphones, and walk with your ears through one of the most magical glens in Ohio. Recorded with an M-Audio portable digital audio recorder.

Interesting Birds Beat

A sound collage of basketball, a visit to the zoo, a digital beat, and sounds of the city. Brooklyn, New York 2009.

Civil Defense Air Raid Siren, Columbus Ohio

This siren blasts every Wednesday at noon sharp. Used to warn of tornados, the sirens were originally used for civil defense. Recorded with an iPhone.

The Thousand Pumpkin March

Collaboration with Dharma Dailey … a short audio slideshow in honor of Halloween. Pumpkins proudly march along Main Street Catskill 1000 strong. View on the WGXC Community Hands-On Radio (Greene/Columbia Counties in New York State) website.

Katydids & Transportation, Columbus Ohio

Recorded with an iPhone from the front porch, the sounds of a summer night.